Far-Fetched Wiki

Welcome to the Far-Fetched Wiki! We are delighted to see you edit articles, however, you must follow all the wikis Rules and Guidelines before you get editing!!

Auto Rules[]

  1. Keep it civil: Do not make personal attacks on other people. If you need to criticize another user’s argument, do so without attacking them as a person. Do not use bigoted language, including slurs which degrade another person or group of people based on gender, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, etc.
  2. Be a productive member of the wiki: Contribute to the wiki in line with the established processes and conventions. Need help? Ask an administrator! Disrupting the wiki with “edit warring” over differing opinions of a topic with another user or group of users is not productive.
  3. Do not engage in excessive self-promotion: The wiki is a collaborative community resource for the topic at hand. It is NOT a free place to advertise your related website, YouTube channel, blog, social media account, etc. Have a question about whether your link would be welcome? Ask an administrator!
  4. Do not harass other users: If somebody asks you to stop posting certain content on their wall, respect their wishes. It is their wall.
  5. Do follow community guidelines for formatting: When a community has established formatting, it’s important to adhere to that, especially when spoiler content is involved.



If you see any rules broken, please contact any administrator if it is on a article. if it is a comment, reply, or anything of the sort, please report the comment. this will make it be on the spotlight so administrators can delete and possibly block the user for a set time.

Please visit FANDOM Community Central for more information on Reporting.

But, most importantly, if it is a small disagreement on an article, or a small disagreement on the comments, please think of it from the other users side. contacting staff about something not important is not the best idea. if this happens, talk to the user nicely and try to work out something or agree to disagree.


Blocks can very to an amount. if what the user did was not that bad, the black time will be shorter. If what the user did ruined the wiki or made a glitch in the wiki, they will be permanently banned.

  • If what the user did was a mistake, they can contact the administrators and talk to see if it was a mistake.
  • Using fake evidence, or lying about anything will get you ban longer.
    • Evidence can't be edited or changed
  • Creating a new account will result it in it being banned with your account, and the ban will be longer.


  • Use English in articles
    • though at the moment it is unknown if there will be any dubs of the pilot and other Episodes, the wiki needs one language in order to make sense to most users.
  • Grammar and spelling
    • This is an official wiki, therefore you must sound official. We want to sound professional, so you must try your 100% so the wiki looks like a credible source.
  • Citeting
    • You must cite all information you add to the wiki. if you have no link, contact the administrators and show a screenshot, such as from a discord chat. (NO PATREON DISCORD CHATS) to add reference, use this: <ref></ref>

(any references for a stream MUST have a timestamp)

  • turn away from private sources
    • do not use anything such as Patreon images, patreon discord chats, leaks or anything of the sort.
  • Edit wars
    • Do not have edit wars. if you have a disagreement, take to your message walls and talk about it.
    • Talking about what you should add is peachy keen in the comments! though it's a long conversation, bring it to discussion.

